A gift for Christmas

A little smile, a word of cheer
A bit of love from someone near,
A little gift from one held dear,
Best wishes for the coming year
These make a Merry Christmas!
- John Greenleaf Whittier

Gift Holding Pose - Eternal Dream made a series of wonderful Christmas poses and available right now until December 23rd at The Frozen Fair. I am using in the picture above pose 3 of the series.

Jewelry Collar CollectionMoondance Boutique made this wonderful set of Jewelry in Lace and Metal styles. This collar set name "Crystlaine" includes Earrings, Necklace, bracelet and rings.  You can get your set at the XXX Event which just started Dec 15th. This is an Opencollar scripted set with options for you to select on the collar hud when touched. Both sets comes with a Hud to further customize the look of your jewelry.

Lighting -LumiPro
Mesh Bento Head --VA-FINAL-VISTA BENTO HEAD LIA-V1 - Currently at Ebento for a price of 2,500L and available right now at EBENTO event. Made by Vista Animations. This is the first of what I hope are many more bento mesh heads to come from them.
Ears -- UNISEX[MANDALA]STEKING EARS Season 5 at Mandala
Eyes -- Izzie's - Winter Eyes (greys & blues)
Hair -TRUTH Farryn - Grayscale
Mesh Body -Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1
Body Shape -- Custom but based off VISTA BENTO HEAD LIA by YS&YS body shape included in the Lia Bento Head pack
Skin -- *YS&YS* Tone 00 Body applier v2.0 for Maitreya
Gown -Kaithleen's Romantic Loose Gown - Black
