But I'm cute.

WHEN:  Sunday October 21st – Saturday November 10th
WHERE:  Takes place all over the grid, in actual stores, not an event area.
WHAT:  Old fashioned Trick or Treat style event.  Get a bucket, go to stores & knock on (pay) doors for prizes!

  • All doors have even amounts of Tricks and Treats in them. (5 Tricks vs 5 Treats, etc.)
  • All doors have a grand prize for those whom have the VIP HUD and buy all items in the door.
  • Doors will be $25L or $50L per play, depending on content.
  • All items are copy/no transfer and DO NOT repeat!  You will get a different prize with each play.
 See SLS website for more information!

Ya'll be sure to have fun!

What I am wearing...
[Cubic Cherry] - Lil Devil set - Head Band Horns, Eyes and Mask
 (In the SLS Trick Or Treat Hunt)

VileCult - Evilyn III Eye Makeup 
(In the SLS Trick Or Treat Hunt)

.EscalateD. - Trick or Treat Lane Gift - Haven Duo Hair

Bliensen + MaiTai - Coraline - Black Cat Choker
(~ Quasar Hunt Prize ~) 


 [noctis] Autumn shelf and Jars
 (In the SLS Trick Or Treat Hunt)

Captured Waters - Another round ? (Skele at table)
and Wizards "OOP's " (crow in globe) See in the Marketplace!

MedievalFantasy [MF] Spider cobweb 

