Fruity Balloon Dreams

Hey all! I got more to share with you from Syndicate Sunday but first I wanted to tell you that the event ends on the 4th so hurry and make your rounds, time is ticking!

So I wanted to tell you about this lovely one side shoulder dress by anny's Fashion call Paloma Dress. It comes with a 6 color texture changing hud so your options are gold, blue, green, grey, purple and pink. You can grab it for $69L thru the 4th.  HURRY!

I also wanted to tell you about some home decor that will brighten your days.  [QE] Designs & Backdrops made this really cute and colorful frame grouping of sliced fruits with a matching round rug. Clicking on the frame or rugs brings up a menu to change the color of the frames or the fruit on the rug. 

Click the below image to see closeup!

I took this lovely and colorful picture at a wonderful sim that provides backdrops and scenic areas for our photographic needs.
- Sim - Backdrop Cove Tropical Beach & Free Photo Studio

I am wearing ...
-- Mesh Head -  GENUS Project - Genus  Bento head  - Mocap
-- Skin -  DeeTaleZ *Appliers* GENUS Head "Fabienne" Mixedtype 
