Lets make this home

 We are all wonderers on this Earth.  Our hearts are full of wonder and our souls are deep with

-- Jewelry - Moondance Boutique  - Believe Lace Jewelry Set - This set consist of a chocker, 3 necklaces, two rings (right and left) and earrings and of course the easy to use Moondance Color/texture changing hud which allows you to customize the colors and metals of the set.

-- Outfit - SASSITUDE: Bohemian Rhapsody Outfit is an exclusive at a quarterly themed event call 'Inspiratiaon' showcasing some of Secondlife's top designers. Event date is March 19th thru Jun 1st.
This outfit comes with hud allowing you to switch between 6 different color choices. Be sure to mark this on your calendar and don't miss it!

-- Props - **Mistique** Book rose White and Red , Bust rose White,  Pile of Books, Kamil trunk Green,  Kamil Chair Stripes, Egg Chair Pink, Bed Terra Green
-- Skin - 7 Deadly s[K]ins - Becky Group Gift Feb - taupe
-- Hair - no.match ~ NO_MOJITO ~ BLACKS
-- Mesh Body - Maitreya Mesh Body - Lara V4.1
